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Findpet ID: Smart way to protect your pet

Findpet ID

Findpet ID protects your pet with advanced biometric tools like nose print identification, full-body pet recognition, including face, front, sides, top, back, and pet’s unique identifying markings, fur and color patterns. We use deep learning and advanced Computer Vision algorithms for high-fidelity pet identification and to automate lost pet search.

Dog nose print identification

Full-body pet recognition

Facial recognition

Unique markings identification

Findpet ID: Nose print identification

Dog nose print identification

Dogs are protected by our advanced nose print identification technology

  • universal dog identifier like fingerprints for humans
  • exceptional accuracy >98,5%
  • needs just a smartphone, no additional equipment is required
  • no additional equipment is required
  • just upload 2-3 5 second videos of the dog's nose print

Nose prints for dogs are like finger prints for humans.

Findpet ID: advanced full-body pet recognition technology

Full-body pet recognition

Facial recognition

Pets are protected by our advanced pet identification technology

  • universal pet identification profile based on uploaded photos
  • high accuracy >90%
  • needs just a smartphone, no additional equipment is required
  • just upload a set of photos of your pet, incl. face, front, sides, top, back and bottom
  • automated search of lost pets
  • automated alerts about similar pets reported found or pets shelters in your area

Findpet ID: pet specific markings

Unique markings identification

Findpet also uses unique pet markings, fur and color patterns to identify and search lost pets

  • moderate accuracy >80%
  • no special tools, needs just a smartphone
  • based on your pet’s unique identifying markings
  • automated search and alerts about similar pets reported found or pets in shelters around you
Protect my pet with Findpet ID

All microchips registered with Findpet can be traced internationally through the American Animal Hospital Association’s (AAHA) universal pet microchip lookup, ensuring your pet's safety at home or during travel.